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These are the APIs that allow you to perform operations on the blockchain.

Blockchain Utilities

It contains methods for sending commands to the blockchain and the following functions:

Sending transactions

The sendTransaction method returns a PromiseEither<BlockchainError, UUID>. This method sends a transaction to the blockchain. It receives a payload of type SendTransactionParams and a caller.

const blkUtils = sdk.transactions.blkUtilsApi;

const caller = sdk.transactions.callers.getCaller();

const approveMethod = new ContractFunction('approve', AssetType.NFT);
approveMethod.addInput('to', '0x97C091cBc01feC79742b7d6657e82748e6039a15');
approveMethod.addInput('tokenId', 1);

const payload:SendTransactionParams = {
address: new EthereumAddress('0x5CDDc72bC879f311aa32cfE6B0C479ab9b5b4F23'),
chainId: new ChainID(80001),
method: approveMethod

const result = await blkUtils.sendTransaction(payload, caller);

The caller is an Ethereum address that is used to sign the transaction. Y represents the user who performs the transaction.

Sending queries

The query<T> method returns a PromiseEither<BlockchainError, T>. Allows you to query the blockchain. Receives a command of type QueryCommand<T>

const blkUtils = sdk.transactions.blkUtilsApi;

const cmd = new ReadQuery<string>(
new EthereumAddress('0x5CDDc72bC879f311aa32cfE6B0C479ab9b5b4F23'),
new ContractFunction('owner', AssetType.NFT)

const result = await blkUtils.query(cmd)

Watch transaction sagas

The observeSaga method allows us to send the ID of a transaction and get the events that are related to that transaction. Returns an Observable<CommandEvent>.

const transaction = await blkUtils.sendTransaction(payload, caller);

(err) => console.error(err.message),
(id) =>
blkUtils.observeSaga(id).subscribe((event) => {
const { name, status } = event.payload;
console.log(`Method ${name}, Status ${status}`);

API for ERC20

Transfer ERC20 tokens

The transfer method returns a PromiseEither<BlockchainError, UUID> and receives a payload of type TransferErc20Payload and a caller..

const api = sdk.transactions.erc20Api;

const caller = sdk.transactions.callers.getCaller();

const payload: TransferErc20Payload = {
amount: new Amount("100"),
asset: Token.fromPrimitive({
type: AssetType.ERC20,
address: "0xd87ba7a50b2e7e660f678a895e4b72e7cb4ccd9c",
amount: "46.49995",
assetId: "0",
chainId: 80001,
metadata: new Metadata({}).toPrimitive(),
to: new Owner("0x97C091cBc01feC79742b7d6657e82748e6039a15"),

const transaction = await api.transfer(payload, caller);

API for ERC721

Mine an NFT

The mint method returns a PromiseEither<BlockchainError, UUID> and receives a MintableAsset, the new owner and the caller.

const api = sdk.transactions.erc721Api;

const caller = sdk.transactions.callers.getCaller();

const file = new File([], "image.jpg"); // input file
const assetData = {
type: AssetType.NFT,
address: "0x7C6ac312c08b975a0e74Be8Cd8C6ad8b8b4A8DEB", // Contract address
chainId: 80001,
metadata: {
name: "My NFT",
description: "Description of my nft",
attributes: [
trait_type: "Color",
value: "green",
trait_type: "Year",
value: "1952",
], // An array with the asset's attributes

const mintableAsset = sdk.utils.mintableAssetFromPrimitive(file, assetData);
await mintableAsset.prepare();

const owner = new Owner("0x97C091cBc01feC79742b7d6657e82748e6039a15");

const transaction = await, owner, caller);

Transfer an NFT

The transfer method returns a PromiseEither<BlockchainError, UUID> and receives an Asset, the new owner and the caller.

const api = sdk.transactions.erc721Api;

const caller = sdk.transactions.callers.getCaller();

const asset = AssetsFactory.fromPrimitive({
type: AssetType.NFT,
address: "0x7C6ac312c08b975a0e74Be8Cd8C6ad8b8b4A8DEB", // Contract address
chainId: 80001,
assetId: '1',
metadata: {},

const owner = new Owner("0x97C091cBc01feC79742b7d6657e82748e6039a15");

const transaction = await api.transfer(asset, owner, caller);

Delete an NFT

The burn method returns a PromiseEither<BlockchainError, UUID> and receives an Asset and the caller.

const api = sdk.transactions.erc721Api;

const caller = sdk.transactions.callers.getCaller();

const asset = AssetsFactory.fromPrimitive({
type: AssetType.NFT,
address: "0x7C6ac312c08b975a0e74Be8Cd8C6ad8b8b4A8DEB", // Contract address
chainId: 80001,
assetId: '1',
metadata: {},

const transaction = await api.burn(asset, caller);

API for ERC1155

Mine an erc1155

The mint method returns a PromiseEither<BlockchainError, UUID> and receive a MintableAsset, the new owner and the caller.

const api = sdk.transactions.erc1155Api;

const caller = sdk.transactions.callers.getCaller();

const data = {
type: AssetType.ERC1155,
address: "0x7C6ac312c08b975a0e74Be8Cd8C6ad8b8b4A8DEB", // Contract address
chainId: 80001,
amount: '10',
assetId: "1",
metadata: {
name: "My token erc1155",
description: "Description of my erc1155",
attributes: [], // An array of the asset's attributes
symbol: 'MTO',
decimal: 5

const file = new File([], ""); // input file

const asset = sdk.utils.mintableERC1155FromPrimitive(data, file);

const owner = new Owner("0x97C091cBc01feC79742b7d6657e82748e6039a15");

const transaction = await, owner, caller);

Transfer an erc1155

The transfer method returns a PromiseEither<BlockchainError, UUID> and receives a payload that is of type TransferERC1155Payload and the caller.

const api = sdk.transactions.erc1155Api;

const caller = sdk.transactions.callers.getCaller();

const data = AssetsFactory.fromPrimitive({
type: AssetType.ERC1155,
address: "0x7C6ac312c08b975a0e74Be8Cd8C6ad8b8b4A8DEB", // Contract address
chainId: 80001,
amount: '10',
assetId: "1",
metadata: {},

const payload: TransferERC1155Payload = {
amount: new Amount('1'),
asset: data,
assetId: newID('2'),
to: new Owner("0x97C091cBc01feC79742b7d6657e82748e6039a15")

const transaction = await api.transfer(payload, caller);