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The nfts module allows obtaining information on the nfts of Alfa services.


Get the nfts of an account

The getNftsFromAccount method allows you to get the nfts from a specific account.

const nfts = sdk.nfts;

const account = '0xa73a3b8ACa335855EeaC2f9Fb505BB0360A1B703';
constchainId = 80001;

const assets = await nfts.getNftsFromAccount(account, chainId);

Get the metadata of an nft

The getNftMetadata method allows you to get the metadata of a specific nft.

const nfts = sdk.nfts;

const contractAddress = '0xa73a3b8ACa335855EeaC2f9Fb505BB0360A1B703';
constchainId = 80001;
const assetId = 1;

const metadata = await nfts.getNftMetadata(contractAddress, chainId, assetId);

Get the nfts of a contract

The getNftFromContractAddress method allows you to obtain the nfts of a specific contract.

const nfts = sdk.nfts;

const contractAddress = '0xa73a3b8ACa335855EeaC2f9Fb505BB0360A1B703';
constchainId = 80001;

const metadata = await nfts.getNftFromContractAddress(contractAddress, chainId);